Soon after deciding to avail a loan or credit card, what is that first thing that comes to your mind? Well, if you are someone who has already been on a financial journey, it would be easy for you to guess it. It’s none other than your three-digit numeric summary.
Yes, your credit score is something that always grabs the attention of the lenders as without checking the same lenders won’t give away the loan to you. So, without wasting any time further, let’s just get into the depth and give you an insight on cibil score free in the article below:
What is a Cibil Score?
It is nothing but a numeric representation of an individual’s repayment history and record. It shows the creditworthiness of an individual by representing his/her credit history in the best way. The moment you apply for any loan or credit card, the first thing that lenders do is to check your score as on the basis of the same your application is further processed.
How to Check Score Online?
To know your score online, you simply need to login to the official website of a credit rating agency.With the help of your credentials, you can anytime check your score and know your summary. Not only this, with your PAN Card also, you can have a quick access to your score. Wanna know how you can check your numeric summary via PAN Card? Just read the article below:
How to Check Cibil Score via PAN Card?
If you are having the Permanent Account Number, with the help of providing some basic details, you can check your score in just 2 minutes. Just take a look at the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Go to CIBIL score page
Step 2: Enter your Name as per PAN Card
Step 3: Mention correct Date of Birth
Step 4: Select Gender
Step 5: Provide PAN Card number
Step 6: Enter contact details such as email address, residence address and mobile number
Step 7: Agree to the terms and condition
Step 8: Click on the submit button
Benefits of Having a Good Credit Score
There is no denying the fact that if you are having a good score, it ultimately helps you in many ways. There are plenty of advantages of being on the good side of the scale. Just take a look at some of the benefits below:
- Increased Loan Eligibility
- Easy Access to Best Credit Cards & Offers
- Enjoy Lower Interest Rates
- Get a Chance to Build a Credit History
How is CIBIL Report Generated?
Credit Information Bureau of India Limited (CIBIL), being India’s first Credit Information Company actually collects and maintains the record of the credit- related transactions of the individuals/non-individuals. The bureau gets the data from the banks and other lenders on a monthly basis and based on the same input the score gets developed, which is also being mentioned in the CIR (Credit Information Report).
Hope, after reading this article, you can easily check credit score online!